eCommerce: Optimizing the Conversion Funnel

Conversion Funnel: How to Increase Your Conversion Rate

A strong conversion funnel turns interested browsers into committed buyers. All businesses struggle with how to improve conversion rates. Our ECDB data reveals an obvious but effective conversion hack.

Article by Patrick Nowak | April 18, 2024


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Conversion Funnel: How to Increase Your Conversion Rate - Key Insights

  • Significant Drop-Offs: Only about 2.3% of website visitors make a purchase, with a high drop-off rate of 77.8% from cart to checkout, highlighting major inefficiencies in the eCommerce funnel.

  • Small Changes, Big Impact: Minor adjustments, like increasing checkout discounts by 1%, can slightly enhance the add-to-cart rate, significantly influencing the overall conversion rate due to the funnel's narrow success rate.

  • Effective Enhancement Strategies: Simplifying checkout processes and optimizing discount strategies are key actions that can reduce cart abandonment and improve conversion rates in eCommerce.

Every eCommerce business aims to transform visitors into buyers, but the journey from first click to final purchase is fraught with drop-offs. A typical online shopper's path includes several stages: clicking on a product, adding it to the cart, proceeding to checkout, and making the purchase. Despite the straightforwardness of this path, ECDB statistics reveal inefficiencies: Only about 2.3% of all website visitors end up purchasing.

Buyers Lost In Conversion Funnel

As mentioned above, the conversion funnel in eCommerce describes the sequence of steps a customer takes from discovering a product to completing a purchase. In other words: There is a progressive reduction in user numbers at each stage. Globally, the add-to-cart rate (ATCR) stands at 10.8%, but the journey from cart to purchase completion plummets drastically, with an average cart abandonment rate of about 77.8%. In regions like Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Portugal, these rates reach 84%, reflecting cultural and market-specific challenges. Factors contributing to these drop-offs vary. Some of them are unexpected costs, complex checkout processes, and better price finds elsewhere. It is not easy to get these numbers up, but even a few percent can make a significant difference.

Improve The Conversion Funnel: Impact of Minor Changes

Even seemingly negligible adjustments in the eCommerce process have impact. For instance, a 1% increase in the discount at checkout improves the ATCR by approximately 0.0831%. Although minor, this change is crucial in a funnel where only a tiny fraction of initial browsers convert into buyers.


Discounts Grow ATCR, ATCR Grows Conversion Rate

And the ATCR Data shows that increasing the ATCR by 1% can potentially increase the overall conversion rate by 0.02%, so increasing discounts at checkout has a positive impact on the ATCR, which in turn increases the overall conversion rate. In essence, higher discounts lead to higher ATCR, which leads to higher conversion rates.


How to Increase Your Conversion Rate

A strategic approach to leveraging this insight would be to initially increase product prices to allow for larger discounts without incurring losses. By doing so, companies increase their chances of success by making discounts more attractive to customers while maintaining profitability.

Stay Ahead & Enhance Your CR

Not enough input to chew on yet? Check our tips on increasing the conversion rate.

  • Optimize Checkout Discounts: Offering more substantial discounts during the checkout phase has proven effective. For example, increasing the discount by just one percentage point will lead to higher cart addition rates.

  • Simplify the Checkout Process: Reducing the number of steps in the checkout process, offering multiple payment options, and providing clear pricing information can decrease cart abandonment rates.

  • Leverage Retargeting Strategies: Implementing retargeting campaigns can bring back customers who have abandoned their carts by reminding them of what they've left behind and possibly offering them a timely discount.

  • Focus on User Experience: Enhancing the overall user experience with faster website performance, mobile optimization, and user-friendly navigation can keep potential buyers engaged longer.

  • Regularly Analyze Funnel Performance: Keep track of how changes affect different stages of the funnel.

  • Implement A/B Testing: Continuously test different strategies to find what works best for your audience.

  • Engage with Customer Feedback: Listen to customer needs and preferences to refine the shopping experience.

  • Stay Updated on Technology and Trends: Incorporate the latest technological advances and shopping trends into your platform to remain competitive and appealing to modern consumers.

By following these guidelines, eCommerce sites can turn more window shoppers into happy customers, significantly boosting their bottom line.