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Our rankings highlight the world's top eCommerce stores based on net sales. Filter by category, country and currency to get your customized rankings. We also provide information about each store's specialization, payment methods, shipping providers, or store software.
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Uncover the ideal marketplace for your needs with our detailed rankings, categorizing both pure and hybrid marketplaces by their Gross Merchandise Value (GMV). Fine-tune your exploration with our filters to zoom in on the eCommerce aspects that are most relevant to you or your costumers.
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- Business Growth: Fuel your international expansion by identifying high-revenue countries with our data analytics.
- Market Insights: Stay ahead by monitoring market trends and the online share of specific countries in the eCommerce sector.
- Data Analytics: Exclusive performance indicators, highlighting the portion of online sales in relation to the overall retail sector.
Find data on top-performing eCommerce product categories
- Strategic Data: Focus on categories with high growth potential, maximize profit and meet market demands.
- Trend Analysis: Stay up-to-date with the eCommerce sector by analyzing data on market growth and online market share trends.
- Retail Insights: Utilize specific KPIs to assess your digital market position and make informed decisions with our retail insights.
Boost your success with our eCommerce performance benchmarks
- Journey Metrics: Examine add-to-cart and cart abandonment rates to refine the shopping experience.
- Sales Indicators: Compare conversion rates to evaluate the effectiveness of your sales funnel.
- Financial Insights: Analyze average order value, discount impact, and return frequencies for profitability optimization.
Discover all you need to know in our detailed insight articles
Recent Releases
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Shop Software Filter Available on Store Rankings
FeaturesAugust 19, 2024We now offer a new feature that allows you to filter the store ranking not only by shop software, but also by shop software versions. In addition, the shop software version is now shown on the store profiles.
Market Data Quarterly Update
Data updatesAugust 01, 2024We have updated our market data for all markets available on ECDB. This allows us to adapt our data to current developments and ensure high data quality.
Country Ranking & Profiles Eastern Europe (2/3)
Data updatesJuly 31, 2024We are very pleased to announce the second update of our regional rankings & profiles for Eastern Europe. The update includes all Store, Marketplace and Company rankings for Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. In addition, associated profiles have been updated. The comprehensive updates provide valuable insights into the latest developments in the eCommerce landscape in Eastern Europe.
Country Ranking & Profiles Benelux
Data updatesJuly 31, 2024We are very pleased to announce the update of our regional rankings & profiles for the Benelux region. The update includes all Store, Marketplace and Company rankings for the Netherlands and Belgium. In addition, associated profiles have been updated. The comprehensive updates provide valuable insights into the latest developments in the eCommerce landscape in the Benelux region.