Author Introduction

Antonia Tönnies

eCommerce Expert on the editorial team at ECDB, specializing in eCommerce data and insights, with a strong interest in International Relations and Politics.
Antonia Tönnies

The big goal of becoming a journalist led me into the world of eCommerce. My plan after school was to deepen my knowledge in a field I was interested in, in order to gather the needed theoretical expertise to report on topics of this field as a pro. Therefore, I decided to study political science with comparative economic law as a minor. During my studies, I also came into contact with economics from time to time, but it was never my main focus.

As the studies at university are rather theoretical, I planned early on to learn journalism in a hands-on environment. Thus, I started as an intern at the Hamburger Morgenpost (MOPO), joined the association “Jugendpresse Nord e.V.”, took every opportunity to learn how to write, research and analyze, until I arrived at the ECDB in the summer of 2023 – a completely new challenge. Suddenly I'm no longer writing in German about political events in the world, but about the latest developments in the digital commerce industry, all in English.

Technical terms such as YoY growth, C2C market or GMV, which I picked up a few times in lectures, are now part of everyday life. What sounded like a vast unknown field at the beginning turned out to be an excellent fit for my studies. The connections and interdependencies between politics and eCommerce provided me with a good understanding that now helps me in my work.