Author Introduction

Nadine Koutsou-Wehling

Data Journalist at ECDB with a keen interest in fashion, markets, innovation, and eCommerce trends.
Nadine Koutsou-Wehling

Born in Greece to two parents who communicated in English, and raised in Germany, I have always been one to traverse the world of languages and dialects.

I studied economics in Hamburg and got my M.A. in sociology and politics in Kiel. During my studies I gained work experience in various industries, including clothing retail, media production, and promotion companies. I also lived in Athens in my 20s and know how to mix a drink with passion due to my years of experience as a bartender.

As a working student at Statista, I found my way to ECDB: and here I am, writing about everything that interests me, really: I love fashion with a fervor, have a knack for sustainability issues, and regional trends always manage to get me excited. There are very few topics that I wouldn't be interested in, with the exception of video games - I don't mess around with them.

When it comes to online shopping, I’m all about functionality: Whether I receive inspiration from the street, friends, or my own imagination, I am an avid researcher and usually manage to find what I look for somewhere: The beauty of our times is that you can order an item from the other side of the world and it will arrive within a week. Apart from these specific cases, I am usually one to advocate a healthy offline-online balance in every aspect of life.