Author Introduction

Nashra Fatima

eCommerce Expert at ECDB, writing about eCommerce markets and consumer behavior. Experienced fiction-reader and inexpert photographer.
Nashra Fatima

The rise of eCommerce is a cultural shift as much as it is a retail revolution. This forms the crux of my interest in it. I am pursuing my master’s degree in Social Anthropology at Universität Leipzig. Previously, I finished my undergraduate studies in English Literature and Journalism from the University of Karachi. In between my two degrees, I worked extensively as a content marketing professional, where I mastered the ins and outs of brand storytelling, SEO, and technical copywriting. These skills prove invaluable in my current role as a student data journalist at ECDB.

My academic research interest is in data-driven governance, which has interesting parallels with data journalism. The upshot? I use eCommerce data not only to analyze market trends but also to explore its social implications. For example, does the adoption of digital payment impact financial inclusion? Or: what motivates people to engage in online group buying? Let me go out on a limb and say that none of these trends germinate in a social vacuum.

I situate the hottest eCommerce developments within their social contexts. Using my content marketing expertise, I distill complex data into insightful articles for readers who would rather not drown in Excel sheets to get their information fix. Behind eCommerce data hide narratives. I find them, so the data begins to tell exciting stories—about a market, about its consumers, and about their society.