eCommerce Revenue Analytics Store Favicon, operated by Beauty Bay, Ltd., is an internationally-focused online store that generates eCommerce net sales primarily in the United Kingdom as well as in the United States and France. With regards to the product range, specializes in the Care Products category, particularly in the area of Personal Care. The online store was launched in 2005.

Store Screenshot
Global net sales (2023)
Global rank (2023)
Main country
United Kingdom
Main category
Care Products
Launch year

eCommerce revenue analytics

eCommerce net sales development of

Comprehensive time series analysis with YoY growth

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eCommerce net sales

in million US$

YoY growth

in percent

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Global rank

by net sales
Please note
These numbers show the first party eCommerce net sales after deduction of returns generated by only.

Distribution of eCommerce net sales from

Detailed breakdown of first-party net sales by country and category

eCommerce net sales by country

in 2023
United Kingdom

eCommerce net sales by category

in 2023
Care Products
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Competitor analysis

Comparable online stores of in Care Products in the United Kingdom

Similar online stores operating in the same country and market

Top online stores: Care Products in the United Kingdom

in 2023
#Online StoreNet SalesMarket Share> US$1,000m5.0% - 10.0%> US$500m0.0% - 5.0%> US$500m0.0% - 5.0% ACCESSNO ACCESS> US$30m< 0% ACCESSNO ACCESS

In the Care Products market in the United Kingdom, is ranked #52 with > US$30m in 2023. Therefore, accounts for < 0% of eCommerce net sales in this category. The top stores are, and


Top Stores - Care Products in the United Kingdom

Top Stores - Care Products

Top Stores - United Kingdom

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Market development: Care Products in the United Kingdom

Market Revenue

in million US$

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Marketing performance indicators

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Online store performance indicators

Payment analytics

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Visa Card

Company & contact information

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CompanyBeauty Bay, Ltd.
Marketing Manager, Influencer and PR
ChloƩ Wise

MailFor customers only
Phone+49 (40) CUSTOMERS ONLY
Chief Operating Officer
Glyn Caddick

MailFor customers only
Phone+49 (40) CUSTOMERS ONLY
Head of Brand
Rachael Hayman

MailFor customers only
Phone+49 (40) CUSTOMERS ONLY

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ECDB: Kilian Schuldt
Kilian Schuldt
Sales Manager
Mail[email protected]
Phone+49 (40) 874 061 04