Company revenue analytics

Walls and Floors, Ltd.

Walls and Floors, Ltd. is a company with nationally-focused eCommerce activity. Its eCommerce activity is concentrated almost entirely in the United Kingdom. With regards to the product range, the eCommerce platforms operated by Walls and Floors, Ltd. achieve the greatest part of their eCommerce activity in the DIY category. Furthermore, products from the Furniture & Homeware category are part of the offer.

eCommerce Activity Revenue (2023)
Global Rank (2023)
Main Country
Main Category
eCommerce Revenue Type
First-party only

Walls and Floors, Ltd.: eCommerce analytics

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eCommerce activity revenue of Walls and Floors, Ltd.

eCommerce activity revenue

in 2023


eCommerce activity revenue includes all gross first-party sales and/or third-party GMV generated on all online platforms operated by a company or its subsidiaries which are in-scope following the methodology of ECDB.
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Walls and Floors, Ltd.: Distribution of eCommerce activity revenue

Detailed breakdown of eCommerce activity revenue by country and category

Walls and Floors, Ltd.:
eCommerce activity revenue share by country

in 2023
United Kingdom

Walls and Floors, Ltd.:
eCommerce activity revenue share by category

in 2023
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Walls and Floors, Ltd.: Company structure

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Walls and Floors, Ltd.: Competitor analysis

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Walls and Floors, Ltd.: Financial analytics

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Walls and Floors, Ltd.: Company & contact information

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