Country Report
eCommerce in Croatia
Country Report
eCommerce in Croatia
The eCommerce net sales of the top 100 Croatian online stores accounted for about 0.98bn in 2022. heads the list of the top online stores by net sales in Croatia in 2022. Other large and prominent players on the Croatian market are e.g.,, and The top 5 online stores in Croatia accounted for 23% of the net sales of the top 100 online stores in 2022. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the Croatian eCommerce market including market trends and top store analyses.
Study Details
eCommerce in Croatia- Pages: 40
- Filetype:.pdf, .xlsx
- Published: 2024
Table of Contents
01. Key Facts about Croatian eCommerce
02. The Croatian eCommerce market
02. The Croatian eCommerce market
- Market size
- Market structure
- Croatian top stores
- Category insights
- Top 100 ranking
The ECDB Country Report "eCommerce in Croatia" provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the Croatian eCommerce market regarding consumers, markets, and its top 100 online stores in 2022.
It depicts significant and comprehensive data about:
• the Croatian eCommerce market, including net sales developments and forecasts, as well as insights into the net sales distribution
• the competitive landscape in the Croatian eCommerce market with key facts about the top players by Croatian net sales in 2022, profound category analyses, and a full list of the Croatian top 100 stores
• the Croatian eCommerce market, including net sales developments and forecasts, as well as insights into the net sales distribution
• the competitive landscape in the Croatian eCommerce market with key facts about the top players by Croatian net sales in 2022, profound category analyses, and a full list of the Croatian top 100 stores
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