Trend Report

eCommerce in Europe

Trend Report

eCommerce in Europe

The eCommerce market in Europe is growing strongly and is expected to increase its revenue by 7% per year between 2023 and 2027. As the European market evolves, new trends emerge and market structures shift. This report not only describes market dynamics and top players on a European level, but further highlights similarities and differences between national eCommerce markets throughout the continent.

Study Details
eCommerce in Europe
  • Pages: 72
  • Filetype:.pdf
  • Published: 2024

Table of Contents

Key findings

01. Consumers in Europe
  • Online shopper characteristics
  • Online behavior
  • Online shopping
02. The European eCommerce market
  • Market size
  • Market structure
  • Country profiles
03. Top eCommerce brands in Europe
  • Top brands in Europe
  • Category insights
  • Top 5 brand profiles
  • ECDB Infographic: eCommerce in Europe 2023_1.jpg
  • ECDB Infographic: eCommerce in Europe 2023_2.jpg
  • ECDB Infographic: eCommerce in Europe 2023_3.jpg
With an average yearly revenue growth of 7% between 2023 and 2027, the eCommerce market in Europe is projected to continue developing strongly and surpass the milestone of US$1 trillion of eCommerce revenues by the middle of the decade.

Within the context of Europe’s growing market, this report takes a closer look at individual countries, top categories, and the strongest brands. A thorough analysis of 27 national eCommerce markets not only allows a deep dive into local top players, but also highlights the dominance of Amazon, especially in Western Europe. With a total of roughly US$52 billion eCommerce net sales in Europe in 2022, the tech company was able to generate more net sales than the following eight companies (including Zalando, Apple, and Tesco) combined.

The analyses in this report are based on exclusive data from ECDB, the Statista Digital Market Outlook, and the Statista Global Consumer Survey.

The ECDB database provides detailed information on more than 39,000 online stores, marketplaces and companies in over 50 countries and 13 categories, including detailed revenue analytics, competitor analysis, market development, marketing performance indicators, and further KPIs such as traffic, shipping providers, payment options, SEO/SEA information, and much more.

The Statista Digital Market Outlook presents up-to-date figures on markets of the digital economy and is available for more than 150 countries.

The Statista Global Consumer Survey gives insights into the minds of more than 700,000 consumers in 55 countries. It is an international survey that covers more than 6,500 brands across 55 different countries.

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