Age Distribution of Online Shopping Categories in Ireland

April 28, 2023

In a survey conducted by Statista Consumer Insights on online shopping categories in Ireland, it is found that the age group of respondents between 35 and 44 years accounts for the largest shares in all ten product categories.

Household Appliances and Food & Drinks are the categories where respondents in this cohort have the largest share. 33% of respondents who have bought these categories are in this age group.

Main Categories Online Shopping Age IRL

The 45-54 age group has the second largest shares in most categories. Books, Movies, Music & Games is the category with their largest percentage, as they account for 27% of consumers here.

Respondents aged 25 to 34 reach up to 23% in Bags & Accessories, similar to the youngest cohort of users, aged 18 to 24, who account for 22% of users in the same product category.

The oldest cohort of 55- to 64-year-old shoppers has the lowest shares overall, which range from 7% in Bags & Accessories to 15% in Drugstore & Health Products.