eCommerce: Top 5 Shipping Providers

Top 5 Shipping Providers Offered by Brazilian Online Stores 2023

Which shipping providers dominate the Brazilian eCommerce market in 2023? Uncover the top players in our latest analysis.

Article by Patrick Nowak | June 12, 2024


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Top 5 Shipping Providers Offered by Brazilian Online Stores 2023

in %

Which Shipping Provider Dominates the Brazilian eCommerce Market in 2023?

In the Brazilian eCommerce landscape of 2023, the dominance of shipping providers is clearly evident, with Correios, the state-run postal service, holding a staggering market penetration of 92.6%. This significant market share underscores Correios' crucial role as the primary logistics and parcel delivery service in Brazil. In stark contrast, jadlog, a private courier service, lags far behind with a mere 10.3% penetration rate, emphasizing the formidable position of Correios in the market. Total Express and Motoboy, with penetration rates of 4.8% and 4.5% respectively, represent smaller players catering to specific delivery needs such as express and local services. Surprisingly, FedEx, a well-known global player, holds a modest penetration rate of just 3.5%, highlighting the challenges faced by international providers in competing with established domestic services in Brazil. The data indicates a landscape where Correios reigns supreme, shaping the eCommerce shipping sector in Brazil.

Main Facts: Dominant companies in the Brazilian eCommerce Shipping 2023

  • Correios Dominates Brazilian eCommerce Shipping Market: With a penetration rate of 92.6%, Correios holds a substantial lead over other providers in the Brazilian eCommerce shipping market in 2023.
  • Jadlog Holds Second Place: Jadlog secures the second position with a penetration rate of 10.3%, showcasing a significant gap between it and the market leader, Correios.
  • Total Express, Motoboy, and FedEx as Minor Players: Total Express, Motoboy, and FedEx maintain minor roles in the Brazilian eCommerce shipping market with penetration rates of 4.8%, 4.5%, and 3.5% respectively, highlighting their struggle to compete with the dominant presence of Correios.

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