Trend Report
“E-Commerce Market Germany 2023”: Top 1,000 Online Stores Sold €77.7 Billion in 2022
We are pleased to announce the preliminary results of our annual study, "E-Commerce Market Germany 2023", conducted in cooperation with the EHI Research Institute.
Article by Nadine Koutsou-Wehling | September 27, 2023Download
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Before you dive into the more than 60 pages of sales metrics, GMV, and other market indicators, we invite you to review the initial findings here.
Specifically, how did the first-party net sales of the top 1,000 online stores in Germany develop in 2022? And how are revenues distributed among the top online stores? We provide the answers below.
Germany's Top 1,000 Online Stores Generated Net Sales of €77.7 Billion in 2022
As we know, eCommerce expanded during the pandemic years, at a CAGR (2019-2021) of 24%, making an impressive leap compared to previous years, when revenues of Germany’s top 1,000 online stores grew steadily but more slowly.
By 2022, however, eCommerce sales in Germany have dropped to €77.7 billion, a 3% decrease from the previous year. This is a notable development, as no year in the past decade has seen a decline in revenues.
While 2022 revenues remain higher than pre-pandemic figures, the data suggests that the resurgence of physical sales channels—following the relaxation of social distance guidelines and the reopening of non-essential brick-and-mortar stores—has moderated the remarkable growth trajectory of eCommerce in Germany observed in recent years.
Top 20 Online Stores in Germany Generate Almost Half of Top 1,000 Revenues
In addition to absolute figures, our study “E-Commerce Market Germany 2023” also looks at the distribution of revenues among online stores depending on their ranking in the top 1,000. The chart below illustrates these results.
In 2022, the top 20 highest-revenue stores in Germany collectively accounted for approximately €36 billion, or 46.7% of the total revenue generated by the top 1,000 stores. Conversely, the contribution to total sales decreases as one moves down the rankings; specifically, stores ranked 21-100 contribute 24.1% to sales of the top 1,000.
Further down the list, stores ranked 251-500 collectively generated less than €7 billion in revenues in 2022, or an 8.8% share. Similarly, the 500 lowest-grossing stores in Germany account for 7.5% of total sales. This illustrates the disparity in revenues between the top and bottom tiers of the 1,000 online stores observed in our study.
Study "E-Commerce Market Germany 2023" - Order Now
For the 15th consecutive year, this study in cooperation with the EHI Retail Institute sheds light on the dynamics of the German eCommerce landscape. In addition to company rankings and revenue distribution, it includes information on product segments, sales channels, website traffic, marketing plots, case studies, and much more.
Order the report here. Want to stay on top of the latest developments in global eCommerce? Follow us on LinkedIn.
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