eCommerce: Top 5 Payment Providers

Top 5 Payment Providers Offered by French Online Stores 2023

Which payment providers are the most frequently offered by online stores the French eCommerce market in 2023? Uncover the top players in our recent article.

Article by Luise Permin-Stockmann | June 12, 2024


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Top 5 Payment Providers Offered by French Online Stores 2023

in %

What are the Top 5 Payment Providers in the French eCommerce Market Offered by Online Stores in 2023?

In the French eCommerce landscape of 2023, payment provider penetration (percentage of stores offering the provider among available payment methods) showcases a clear hierarchy dominated by traditional card services. VISA leads the pack with an impressive 96.3% penetration, closely followed by Mastercard at 96.0%. These high penetration rates highlight the entrenched trust and widespread acceptance of these card providers within the French eCommerce market. PayPal holds a significant presence as well, with a penetration rate of 78.9%, indicating a growing preference for e-wallet solutions among French businesses and consumers. CB, another card provider, follows with a penetration rate of 63.7%, showcasing the continued reliance on traditional card services in the French eCommerce sector. Bank transfer/cash in advance rounds out the top five with a penetration of 51.3%, highlighting the enduring popularity of bank transfer methods in the French eCommerce market. The data from 2023 underscores the evolving digital payment landscape in France, with traditional card providers maintaining dominance while e-wallet solutions and bank transfers also carve out substantial niches, driven by consumer demand for convenience and innovation in payment technologies.

Main Facts: Dominant Payment Providers in French eCommerce Market 2023

  • VISA and Mastercard dominate the French eCommerce market with penetration rates of 96.3% and 96.0% respectively in 2023.
  • PayPal emerges as a strong player with a penetration rate of 78.9% in the e-wallet category.
  • CB follows closely behind with a 63.7% penetration rate, while Bank transfer/cash in advance holds a 51.3% share in the market.

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