eCommerce: Top 5 Shipping Providers

Top 5 Shipping Providers Offered by Czech Online Stores 2023

Which shipping providers dominate the Czech eCommerce market in 2023? Explore our latest insights report for a comprehensive analysis.

Article by Patrick Nowak | June 12, 2024


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Top 5 Shipping Providers Offered by Czech Online Stores 2023

in %

Which Companies Dominate the Czech eCommerce Shipping Market in 2023?

In the Czech Republic's eCommerce market for 2023, the dominance of shipping providers reveals an intriguing landscape. Česká pošta, the national postal service, boasts an impressive market penetration rate of 71.8%, solidifying its position as the leading logistics and parcel delivery provider in the country. Following at a distance is PPL, a private courier service, with a penetration rate of 48.8%, positioning itself as a significant player but still in the shadow of Česká pošta. DPD comes in third with a penetration rate of 33.4%, indicating its presence as a reliable option for parcel delivery services. Zásilkovna and GLS round out the top 5 providers, with penetration rates of 28.2% and 22.1% respectively, showcasing a competitive landscape where players cater to specific market needs. This data underscores the diverse options available to eCommerce businesses in the Czech Republic, allowing for efficient and reliable shipping solutions tailored to different customer preferences.

Main Facts: Dominant companies in the Czech eCommerce Shipping 2023

  • Česká pošta Dominates: With a remarkable penetration rate of 71.8%, Česká pošta stands at the forefront of the Czech eCommerce shipping market in 2023.
  • PPL in Second Place: Following Česká pošta, PPL secures the second position with a penetration rate of 48.8%, significantly lower than the leading provider.
  • Remaining Providers Lag Behind: DPD, Zásilkovna, and GLS hold minor roles in the market, with penetration rates of 33.4%, 28.2%, and 22.1% respectively, which underscores the dominance of Česká pošta and PPL.

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