eCommerce: Top 5 Shipping Providers

Top 5 Shipping Providers Offered by Slovenian Online Stores 2023

Which shipping providers dominate the eCommerce market in Slovenia? Explore our latest insights based on the 2023 data.

Article by Patrick Nowak | June 12, 2024


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Top 5 Shipping Providers Offered by Slovenian Online Stores 2023

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Which Shipping Providers Lead the Slovenian eCommerce Market in 2023?

In the Slovenian eCommerce market in 2023, Pošta Slovenije emerges as the dominant shipping provider with an impressive market penetration rate of 70.4%. This state-run postal service is a key player in the logistics and parcel delivery sector, showcasing its stronghold in the country. In stark contrast, GLS holds a distant second place with a penetration rate of 36.0%, indicating a significant gap between the top two providers. DPD follows with a respectable penetration rate of 20.0%, positioning itself as a reliable option for eCommerce businesses in Slovenia. DHL, with a penetration rate of 10.4%, occupies the fourth position among the top five shipping providers, showcasing a competitive but smaller market presence. Bringing up the rear is UPS (United Parcel Service) with a modest 4.8% penetration rate, reflecting the challenges faced by international shipping giants in penetrating the Slovenian market. Overall, the data reveals a well-defined hierarchy among shipping providers in Slovenia, with each company catering to distinct market segments and customer needs.

Main Facts: Dominant companies in the Slovenian eCommerce Shipping 2023

  • Pošta Slovenije Dominates the Market: With an impressive penetration rate of 70.4%, Pošta Slovenije holds a commanding position as the top shipping provider in the Slovenian eCommerce market in 2023.
  • GLS in Second Place: Following Pošta Slovenije, GLS ranks as the second-largest shipping provider with a penetration rate of 36.0%, showcasing a significant gap between the top two companies.
  • DPD, DHL, and UPS Lag Behind: DPD, DHL, and UPS (United Parcel Service) secure minor positions in the market with penetration rates of 20.0%, 10.4%, and 4.8% respectively, highlighting the dominance of Pošta Slovenije and GLS in the Slovenian eCommerce shipping landscape.

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