Top 5 Biggest Online Marketplaces in Europe

Article by Cihan Uzunoglu | March 15, 2021


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For the first time, has released an extensive report on the world of online marketplaces. Following a long phase of gathering and thoroughly analyzing a vast set of data from different sources, analysts have compiled an all-encompassing report on B2C online marketplaces. Next to general rankings, the report also gives insight into regional differences and product category details. In-depth store profiles complement the rankings. The report reveals that in a worldwide comparison, the two tech giants Alibaba and Amazon are in the lead when it comes to online marketplace GMV. When taking Europe and its marketplace landscape into focus, it is a different player that dominates the field.

Fashion brand Zalando is not only Germany’s number one fashion online store by net sales, its marketplace is also at the forefront when comparing the GMV of online marketplaces that operate mainly in Europe. The online marketplace run by German online fashion brand Zalando grew by 17% year-on-year and generated a gross merchandise value of US$9.2 billion in 2019, which is a clear lead over second-placed Allegro. Second place is taken by a Polish player. Inspired by eBay’s auction site business model, Allegro has been around Polish eCommerce since the late 1990s and is highly popular in great parts of Eastern Europe today. Following a year-on-year growth of 16%, Allegro produced a 2019 marketplace GMV of US$5.9 billion. One of the leading eCommerce sites in France comes in third in the European marketplace GMV ranking: Although GMV almost stagnated between 2018 and 2019, Cdiscount is still in third place with US$4.4 billion in marketplace GMV in 2019. Number four in the ranking – Turkish online marketplace Trendyol – is without doubt the current growth champion: Trendyol increased its GMV by a stunning 142% between 2018 and 2019 and reached a total GMV of US$4.1 billion in 2019. Europe’s fifth biggest online marketplace in 2019 is Germany’s long-established retail brand Otto, with a 2019 GMV of US$4.1 billion. Given its tremendous growth, it is highly likely that Trendyol moves up in the ranking in the near future, especially if Cdiscount’s GMV keeps stagnating.