eCommerce: Net Sales Distribution Among Top Stores

Revenue Distribution Among the Top 100 German Online Stores 2023

How was the net sales split among the top eCommerce stores in the German eCommerce market in 2023? Uncover the insights in our analysis.

Article by Wenhui Li | September 04, 2024


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Revenue Distribution Among the Top 100 German Online Stores 2023

in %

How Was the eCommerce Revenue Distributed among the Top German Stores in 2023?

In 2023, the eCommerce landscape in Germany showcased an interesting distribution of net sales among the top eCommerce stores in the market. The data reveals that the top 1-5 stores accounted for the majority share, with a significant 46.1% of the net sales of the top 100 stores. Following on the next position were the stores ranked 6-25, which held a respectable 24.9% of the 'top 100' market share. Surprisingly, the top 26-100 stores also commanded a substantial portion of the net sales, amounting to 29.0%. This distribution highlights the competitive nature of the eCommerce sector in Germany, with a few key players dominating the market while still leaving room for a significant number of stores to capture a considerable share. The data suggests that the eCommerce market in Germany is diverse and dynamic, with opportunities for both established players and emerging businesses to thrive.

Main Facts: Net Sales Distribution among the Top German eCommerce Stores in 2023

  • Top 1-5 stores accounted for 46.1% of net sales in the German eCommerce market in 2023.
  • Stores ranked 6-25 captured 24.9% of the 'top 100' market share.
  • The remaining 29.0% of net sales were distributed among stores ranked 26-100 in the German market.

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