eCommerce: Market Revenue Development

Hobby & Leisure eCommerce Revenue Development in Russia

How is the Russian Hobby & Leisure eCommerce market revenue projected to evolve from 2017 to 2027? Explore the growth trajectory in this sector.

Article by Patrick Nowak | September 04, 2024


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Hobby & Leisure eCommerce Revenue Development in Russia

in million US$

How Is Russian Hobby & Leisure eCommerce Revenue Developing from 2017 to 2027?

The Russian Hobby & Leisure eCommerce market has shown a significant upward trend in revenue from 2017 to 2027. In 2017, the market revenue was reported at US$3.3 billion, which saw a steady increase over the years. By 2018, the revenue had grown to US$4.8 billion, and in 2019, it further rose to US$5.7 billion. The most notable surge occurred in 2020 when revenue spiked to US$9.3 billion, indicating a substantial shift in consumer spending habits within the market. This growth trajectory continued in the subsequent years, with revenue nearly doubling to US$11.4 billion in 2021 and reaching US$15.3 billion in 2022. Although there was a slight decrease to US$15.1 billion in 2023, forecasts predict a recovery and continued growth in the coming years. Projections show revenues of US$17.0 billion in 2024, US$18.9 billion in 2025, US$20.3 billion in 2026, and a further increase to US$21.6 billion in 2027. The data clearly illustrates the robust expansion of the Russian Hobby & Leisure eCommerce market, reflecting evolving consumer preferences and market dynamics.

Main Facts: eCommerce Revenue Surge in Russian Hobby & Leisure Market, 2017-2027

  • Steady Growth Trajectory: The Russian Hobby & Leisure eCommerce market has shown consistent growth over the years, with revenue increasing from US$3.3 billion in 2017 to US$15.1 billion in 2023.
  • Forecasted Expansion: Projections indicate a continued upward trend, with eCommerce revenue expected to reach US$21.6 billion by 2027, reflecting sustained market growth and consumer demand.
  • Digital Consumer Culture: The market's evolution underscores the shift towards online shopping in the Hobby & Leisure sector, highlighting the increasing importance of eCommerce in meeting consumer needs.

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